Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween ~

This tree is mine
Well this greasy oily cheesy tree is my bias that I always feel that I want to punch his adorable face. Aku tahu, some Inspirits may have the same urge and feeling as me. lol.

I love the way he wiggle his brows, rocking both of his shoulders up and down when he laugh and when he make his aegyo signatures. This aegyo king and his hubby, Gyu, should married because I ship them hard. I also love him when he played with Hoya and formed Wooya, because they're freakin cute together.

A lot said that I am a greedy because all members in INFINITE I want. Of course I want them all. Kalau tidak useless amat diorang jadi aku punya ultimate favorite group. lmfao.

Yesterday birthday appa. Happy Belated Birthday Ayah. Kak love you.
Bangkit-bangkit pagi kemarin aku terus mesej ayah. Then, dia balas "tq". Cute sangat.
Aku tak pergi sekolah sebab takde periksa. lol. Apa yang aku buat kemarin adalah mengerjakan graphic work INFINITE yang terbengkalai. And habis jugak.

Today, terpaksa ke sekolah sebab kena hantar buku teks. Kalau tak konfem aku tak pegi. And nasib baik Teacher Jeet saved our ass daripada masuk kelas kimia. HAHA. My chinese classmates sibok cakap pasal Halloween. Padahal diorang ada exam hari ni. Aku bukannya faham diorang cakap mende. Yang aku paham perkataan Halloween tu jerr. Harap maklum.

Esok peksa Sejarah kertas 3. Ana bagi advice suruh bawak pen lebih.  Okay.

# Keep calm and pray for Lay oppa to get fine.